Should we make the move abroad?

Last time, we told you about our pre-move visit and how we left Singapore with mixed feelings. So, how did we ultimately decide to move to Singapore despite all our thoughts?

Well, first and foremost, deciding to move abroad is a very personal choice. Everyone has their reasons, specific intentions, and perhaps even goals for making such a decision. We can’t generalize what might sway someone for or against an overseas stay. Generally speaking, the experience itself is certainly a significant reason. Living abroad is incredibly valuable, especially in our globalized world. It broadens your horizons in every way, you adapt to a different culture, and perhaps even learn a new language… The experiences you gain abroad are something no one can take away from you. That’s what makes every overseas stay unique and so special.

Additionally, moving abroad through a company offers further advantages, especially financial ones: You might be relatively well-secured through the company, receive a comparatively good salary depending on your negotiation skills, possibly international health insurance, maybe even a nice apartment or house… And you get to know your company’s corporate culture abroad, which is certainly beneficial for your career path.

What ultimately convinced us to seize the opportunity was surely a combination of many things. Not everything was perfect, some aspects didn’t appeal to us at all, while others were better than we ever hoped for. In the end, everyone has to make the decision for themselves (and possibly for their family). The decision requires a lot of courage, and we want to express our deep respect here – because we know from our own experience: It’s not as easy as one might think.


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